Quiz Questions

Which industry has the highest CPC rates?

Legal Industry
Insurance Industry
Real Estate

Which country has the highest CPC rates?


What keyword category has the highest CPC?

Insurance Keywords
Law & Lawsuits Keywords
Finance & Banking

What is the best way to optimize AdSense for CPC?

Placing ads above the fold
Using link ads only
Blocking low CPC ads

Which ad format performs best in AdSense?

Responsive Ads
Auto Ads
Native In-Feed Ads

What affects CPC rates the most?

Ad Placement
Ad Relevance
CTR (Click Through Rate)

How does website niche impact CPC?

Broad niches lead to lower CPC
Niche sites tend to get higher CPC
Gaming niche gets highest CPC

Which of the following impacts AdSense revenue?

Number of visitors
Traffic source (Search vs. Social)
Time spent on page

What is an ideal placement for high CPC ads?

Above the fold
Sidebar ads
Footer ads